

The Kūkotava is a great place to “sweeten” your life, as well as to have a snack or even to celebrate an important occasion. The café is located in the heart of Riga, on Tērbatas Street. You can always feel a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the Kūkotava confectionary, which evokes memories of childhood holidays in Grandma's heated kitchen. The aroma of freshly baked cookies and ageless cuckoo clocks, hot apple pie in the oven and the townspeople scurrying outside… 
Sitting here, you can savor the good coffee, inhale sweet flavors and watch how inimitable cakes and pies are prepared right behind the counter.
The Kūkotava
is a place where you can meet with your friends and family. Welcome to the atmosphere of warmth, seductive flavors and tastes!

With Bonusmedien 10% discount  on the pastries!

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